
Sua empresa
its a video

Criativity and Modernity

We have always worked with the most dynamic video communication techniques. Our intention is to convince your audience in a few minutes that your company is the best choice for a given product/service.

Youtube Content

Whatsapp Pocket Videos

Social Reels



I’m Marcos

A freelancer based in Brasília. I work with companies and brands of every size to establish, expand, and improve their online footprint through content.

Our vision is to take the customer to the highest level in their communication. 


Food Waste

Curitiba capital ecológica?

Neste programa apresentamos projetos que se preocupam com os resíduos orgânicos e pessoas fazendo a diferença em sua comunidade local.

Grandes Cidades

São Paulo em foco

Neste programa conversamos com renomados arquitetos de uma São Paulo mais inclusiva e manifestações da sociedade ocupando espaços.

Slow Fashion

São Paulo Fashion Week x Sustentabilidade

Entrevistamos grandes marcas e também estilistas e influenciadores com uma visão diferente sobre a moda.

Conheçam o ECO BRASIL

Um programa focado em soluções brasileiras para os problemas ambientais e da sociedade.
A Bulletz produziu (escreveu, filmou e editou) grandes matérias para este Programa Ambiental do Canal Alemão Deutsche Welle

Who do we work?

Companies and industries with digital demands

Institutes and Associations with their own audiences

Innovation startups with leverage and sales needs


Content Strategy

Before producing the videos, it is very important to talk and discover the best strategy for the content to be developed. Often a series of interesting videos are available and can be produced easily, generating great engagement at low cost.

Audiovisual production

Our video capture is in 4K format. We use state-of-the-art cameras, as well as Drone and professional lighting.

Finalization - Publication

The finalization of Bulletz videos is the moment that transforms the material into something more dynamic and attractive, in addition to the applied design, according to each client, vignettes and graphics are produced that give even more strength to the work.

NFTs – Non Fungible Tokens

We create your collection of Non-Fungible Tokens and support you with marketing, videos and promotional pieces.

Why Us?

English and German

We produce pieces for international audiences with an emphasis on English and German. For this, we have an agile team of professional freelance translators.

Brazil and Europe

We operate in several Brazilian states producing audiovisual works, in addition to European countries such as Italy, Germany and Austria.

New Medias

Since our conception as a producer, we have been attentive to new media for marketing. Metaverse, NFTs are already in our production line.

we wear the shirt

Your demand is our motivation. We always seek to serve our customers in order to optimize the application of resources and maximize gains.

We like partnerships

For us, every project is a joint challenge to make it “work”. Success is the fruit of synergy and work well done!

From S.A to Startup

Our company serves from large publicly traded companies to embryonic projects with the same determination of results!

Freelancer Team

We have a team designed according to the project budget. The best freelancers on the market in Curitiba-Sao Paulo-Rio de Janeiro and northeast Brazil.


We are used to solving the demands of our customers in an agile way, from service, budget and production of media pieces.

Strategic Business Requires Strategic Content.

Alguns Números


Delivered Videos

We have served hundreds of companies over the last 20 years, always delivering more to go further!


Market Growth

Each year we expand our customer network. In recent years, our growth rate has reached 25%.


2000 hours of Video

We reached the mark of 2000 hours of worked video material. Our goal is to double this amount in 2 years.

With Bulletz, we are sure we are making the best video!”

Lucas Carvalho
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